AMVETS Post 38 gives baby shower gifts to expecting mothers at Bronx VA Hospital

amvets post 38
Photo courtesy of AMVETS Post 38
AMVETS Post 38 delivered baby shower gifts for veteran mothers-to-be at the Bronx VA Hospital on Saturday, Oct. 19.
This Throggs Neck-based post of the veterans service organization does a lot to give back to the community, with the baby shower gifts being the latest.
The post, located at 1440 Shore Dr., has also recently been designated as a drop-off site for the Toys for Tots US Marines holiday toy drive. Community members are encouraged to drop off new and unwrapped toys there during the hours of operation, from 3 p.m.-8 p.m. Tuesdays through Sundays.
AMVETS Post 38 will also be holding a get-together after the Throggs Neck Veterans Day Parade on Sunday, Nov. 10. The post encourages people to watch the parade and come to the post for the get-together.
The Ladies Auxiliary of AMVETS Post 38 recently held its monthly Bingo Night. The auxiliary encourages the Bronx community to come for the next one and take part in the fun.
Veterans, sons of veterans and ladies of auxiliary are encouraged to sign up to become members of AMVETS.
The next meeting for this post is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, Nov. 12, at 7 p.m.