Winston Dinkins
Zodiacs Track Team closed out their indoor season with a blast. They have high expectation for the outdoor season.
The young athletes continue to improve and are recognize as some of the best in tri-state area.On February 28 and March 6,, they compete in two track meets that were cut short due to time constants.
The 168th Armory has the only in-door track that the club teams can use for meets.In both meets, there were approximately 300 participants.On the February 28 meet, each participant paid $8 per event and $32 for a relay.Most athletes participants in two events.
At the February 28 USATF Zone Championship Meet, the following athletes were in the top six:
In the 6 – 7 age girls group, Kendra Todd took 2nd place in the 55 meter race with teammate Jacqueline Kendall taking 3rd.Jacqueline also took 5th in the 200 meter race.In the 8 – 9 years girls group, Dominique Jackson took 2nd place in the 200 and 4th in the 400 meter race with teammate Josephine Kendall taking 5th in the 200m and she took 6th in the 400m.
Earning her first gold medal was Pearl Webster-Rutlege in the Shot Put.Her brother won his 1st Silver medal in the 200 meter race and he took 4th in the 55 meter race.Elijah Harewood place in the 200 meter race.In the boys 10 – 11 age group,
Shem Spencer took 4th in the 200m and 2nd in the 400 meter race.Hugh Frazier continues to show his elite power in the 800 meter run, which he won at both meets.
In the 12 – 13 boys division, Lakuan Mason won the 55 meter race, Darren Dawson took 4th in the 400 meter run, Tyron Ingram took 2nd in the long jump and Mattew Thompkins took 4th in the shot put.In the 14 – 15 division Captain Devon Seiqnious took 2nd in the shotput, Shane Cherry ran his personal best with a 2.16 in the 800m taking 4th. and Kevin Mathis taking 4th in 55 meter run.
Other names to watch out for are Kristoff Burrell, who took 6th place in the 6 – 7 age group 400 meter race and 5 in the 800m.Mathew Samuel took 4th in the 55 meter, Kendall Todd and Jacob Mairena.They will make a great 4 x 100 meter relay team. race and 4th in the 400 meters.
Zodiacs’s will be having orientation for new athletes on Saturday, April 3, in the Bartow Community Room at 7 p.m.
If you have or know of any children between the ages of 6 and 16 that are looking to utilize track and field to improve their horizon, the Zodiacs is where they need to be.27 years and running.Help us continue to advance our children by sending a donation to the Zodiacs Track Foundation, send your tax deductible contribution, made payable to: Zodiacs Track Foundation, and send to PO Box 67, Bronx New York 10475.
For additional information call president Thomas Francis at (718) 679-2060 or co-president Winston Dinkins at (914) 441-6196, email WATCLT@AOL.COM or visit our web site ZODIACSTRACK.ORG