On Tuesday, Feb. 7, St. Raymond High School for Boys welcomed Det.-Sgt. Michael Trano and Chief of Staff Peter Sammarco of the NYC Sheriff Department as well as Nigel Farinha from the Special Narcotics Prosecutor’s Office to speak to students about drug awareness, focusing specifically on marijuana. Trano and Sammarco reminded all students that it is illegal for minors to use any cannabis items and that use of marijuana can be harmful to their still developing brains.
They also spoke directly about the dangers of illegal smoke shops, overdosing, and the importance of just saying no to drugs.
Farinha spoke directly to the legal effects of drugs. He had an open discussion with students and guided them to understanding how one decision can negatively affect a whole life. He, too, reminded the students that marijuana use is illegal for all minors and how the use of it can lead to harmful physical, emotional and behavioral consequences. Farinha also spoke about the deadly effects of fentanyl and how more and more marijuana is being laced with the dangerous substance.
St. Raymond students followed up with a myriad of questions, which Farinha and Trano were happy to answer. A special thank you to St. Raymond graduate Alden Foster ’05, deputy director of
youth services and community engagement at the NYPD, for helping to put together this special assembly.
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