St. Catharine Academy (SCA) in Pelham Gardens held its 135th graduation ceremony for the class of 2024 on Wednesday, May 29. The school, on June 7, also celebrated its first eighth grade graduation coming to the Williamsbridge Road building in the 1950s.
Families gathered to celebrate the remarkable success of the Class of 2024. The all-girls Catholic college preparatory school graduates have earned over $21.7 million in academic grants and scholarships and acceptance to 135 colleges and universities. Members of the graduating class will attend institutions like Georgetown, Columbia, Cornell, Fordham, and the University of Southern California in the fall of 2024. The eighth grade class of 2024 also celebrated its 17 graduates, with student Janaya U. as a class speaker.
Maryam A., the valedictorian of SCA’s Class of 2024, will study biology at the City College of New York this fall.
“The teachers at SCA helped me develop my communication skills and prepared me for exams by providing practice tests and additional resources,” Maryam shared on the SCA website.
Brianna R., the salutatorian of SCA’s Class of 2024, will study computer science at Georgetown University. She reflected on SCA’s robust STEM program that motivated her to pursue a career in computer science.
Members of the St Catharine Academy’s Class of 2024 pose together. Photo courtesy of Patrice Athanasidy.
“The STEM program at SCA introduced me to my future field of study and empowered me to confidently face challenges in a traditionally male-dominated space,” Brianna says. “Additionally, my AP courses have prepared me for college-level learning and earned me valuable credits towards my degree.
St. Catharine Academy was one of the 225 schools in the country that received the College Board AP Computer Science A Female Diversity Award for improving gender representation and access to AP computer science courses during the 2022-2023 school year.
Class of 2024 Salutatorian Brianna was also awarded the Catharinite Award, a prestigious distinction given to a young woman who exemplifies the school’s mission through her leadership, character, scholarship and service. Brianna’s outstanding involvement as the team captain of SCA’s Robotics Team, president of SCA’s chapter of the National Honor Society and numerous leadership positions across various clubs highlights her dedication and contributions to fostering a stronger school community.
Additional distinctions were awarded to several students, such as the “In Her Footsteps Award,” which recognizes a student whose selfless service mirrors Catherine McAuley, founder of the Sisters of Mercy. Destiny Q. received this distinction due to her leadership roles in the National Honor Society and Student Council, volunteering to assist in summer programs and school events. Jocelyn S. received the “Alumnae Award,” a similar distinction that honors students’ leadership contributions to grow the school community. Jocelyn’s position as Student Council president and a member of multiple sports teams exemplifies her commitment to building a vibrant school environment.
“The advantage of attending an all-girls school was the feeling of sisterhood and safety in our school environment,” Jocelyn said. “Being surrounded by so many smart and driven young women, such as myself, inspired me to strive for greatness.”