The students in the Gifted & Talented program of P.S. 181 celebrated the official ribbon cutting for the new technology and innovative software sure to help them succeed.
On Friday, October 2, Councilman Jimmy Vacca and a representative of Councilman Joel Rivera visited P.S. 181, located 800 Baychester Avenue.
Vacca, with the help of Rivera, was able to secure a $ 50,000 grant to provide the students with new technology.
During the visit Vacca held a ribbon cutting for the eight wall-mounted SMART Boards, eight laptops, eight desktop computers and eight projectors paid for by the grant.
“I appreciate all the students and what they can do with technology, which is why I find it so rewarding when we are able to give grants like this,” said Vacca. “All we can try to do in City Council is try to get students up to speed and beyond. As they get into higher education technology will be key.”
Students also presented a plaque to Vacca and Rivera for their generous donation and had a chance to engage in a question and answer session with the Vacca, asking him questions about his childhood and career.
The new technology has been made available for the over 100 students in the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Gifted & Talent program that draws students in from throughout School District 11, but will be accessible by all student in P.S. 181.
“These are the days as a principal and educator that you want to come out and celebrate,” said principal Christopher Warnock. “Over the next three years I expect to see 300 plus students in our program, taking advanced courses and going to high school with three regents exams under their belt.”
With the new tools available to them students can access websites linking them to their classes, track their homework and assignments, practice and look over their lessons, make presentations in front of the class, and more.