Column: Travel back in time to the Bronx Zoo

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Madeleine Thompson, director of the Wildlife Conservation Society Library and Archives.
Photo courtesy Dorothy Krynicki

The East Bronx History Forum and the Huntington Free Library are pleased to announce the Forum will hold its 161st meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 19 at 8 p.m. with a Zoom presentation, “Bronx Zoo Time Travel,” presented by Madeleine Thompson.

Bronx Zoo Time Travel: Take a trip back in time with the Wildlife Conservation and Archives director. We’ll be setting our sights back 100 years and then 50 years as we explore what was happening at the Bronx Zoo in 1922 and 1972.

Thompson is director of the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Library and Archives, headquartered at the Bronx Zoo. The Library and Archives provides information services to foster WCS’ rich legacy. Thompson joined WCS in 2011. She holds a PhD in English and a master’s in Library Science with a specialization in Rare Books and Manuscripts.

Please join us and find out how the mission of the Bronx Zoo has evolved since its beginning. The East Bronx History Forum will post the login details on our web page at Please help defray the cost of the meetings by using the donate button.

Dorothy Krynicki is the secretary of the East Bronx History Forum.