The back to school season is just around the corner! It can be an exciting and often nerve-wracking time for students and parents alike, with new environments and memories to make, and lessons to come during the new school year. With this in mind, my office has compiled a number of resources to help ensure students of District 18 have a great back to school season.
My office is hosting two large book bag giveaways, as well as a free skate party and back to school movie night for the whole family to enjoy. You can join us on Tuesday, Aug. 29 at St. Helena’s Church (1315 Olmstead Ave.) from 5-7 p.m., or on Wednesday, Aug. 30 at my District Office (778 Castle Hill Ave.) from 5-7 p.m. to get your student a free backpack with school supplies. All are welcome and students must be present. If you are unable to make these dates, but your student(s) are in need of a backpack please reach out to my office.
In addition to our book bag giveaways, I wanted to give our families a chance to spend some fun quality time together. That is why on Friday, Sept. 15 at 7 p.m. we will be hosting our Back to School Movie Night and will be showing “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” at The Pearly Gates Playground on St. Peter’s and Tratman avenues in the neighborhood of Westchester Square. This movie night is completely free and open to all. Popcorn is provided but please bring your own blanket and/or chairs.
I am also bringing back a Council District 18 favorite — our second annual Skate Party. Join me on Saturday, Sept. 23 from 12-4 p.m. at Watson Gleason Playground in Soundview to enjoy a fun day of skating together with family, friends and neighbors. Roller blades, protective gear and lessons are provided, but you are also welcome to bring your own roller skates. I hope to see you there.
If you are looking for a reminder on any of these events, you can find the event flyers on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook at @CMAmandaFarias. Additionally, my website has information on my upcoming events and allows you to sign up for my e-newsletter to get important event reminders straight to your inbox. Please visit my website at to learn more.
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