The 41st Precinct hosted the 33rd annual National Night Out Against Crime on Tuesday, August 2 at the Police Athletic League in Longwood.
Members of the community and law enforcement engaged in a varietyof activities and gained a better understanding of each other.

Senator Jeff Klein (2nd on l) and Councilman Salamanca (r) congratulated the 41st Precinct’s lieutenant Hatki, captain DeCegile and Paula Fields on their dedication to the community.
Photo by Aracelis Batista

Paula Fields (front, c) and police officer Estevez (3rd from r) joined the community in celebrating National Night Out Against Crime.
Photo by Aracelis Batista

Speedo the Clown (l) gave Leah Simmons some ‘purrfect’ face paint.
Photo by Aracelis Batista

Police Athletic League Summer Day Camp students and their teachers enjoyed the evening’s festivities.
Photo by Aracelis Batista