Our next general meeting will be held on June 12, at 7:30 p.m. in P.S. 14 School Auditorium, 3041 Bruckner Boulevard. The subject of our meeting will be the proposed construction at 3030 Middletown Road Our guest will be Councilman James Vacca. We have also invited the Buildings Department and the City Planning department.
The new owner/developer at 3030 Middletown Road, Jacob Selechnik, is known to the city as one of the worst landlords with over 23,000 housing code violations on buildings he already owns. We don’t want this individual to build in our neighborhood. Thanks to overdevelopment we don’t need any more new buildings built in our neighborhood. Please come to our meeting and bring your questions, suggestions and your neighbors. This is a very important meeting. We need your support to show the city we won’t stand for this anymore. We have great problems with the city and their interpretation of zoning and also their enforcement of zoning.
We need a way to limit zoning, many times the zoning regulations are too broad and do not reflect the real needs with in a community like ours. Today in the neighborhoods of Schuylerville, Pelham Bay, Country Club, Ferry Point, Throggs Neck and City Island are far too overdeveloped. We are saturated with housing. It is irresponsible to allow anyone to continue to build in these areas of the Bronx when there is no need and no parking! Overdevelopment has caused a need for one thing Parking in our commercial districts and our residential areas.
The location at 3030 Middletown Road is the perfect spot for a parking lot. It is centrally located between commercial and residential properties and would greatly improve the commercial trade for all the shopkeepers on Middletown Road. This location would also be good as an annex to PS 71, as you know they have run out of space and have trailers in the school yard. This would also be a good location for a park. This would be a great place for the US Post Office to have a retail store with parking so we won’t be burdened with parking tickets. There are many good uses for this location but housing is not one of them.
We need to stop this proposed construction and take a serious look at anyone who proposes to build in this part of the Bronx. We need to improve our neighborhood with services that complement the area and make it easy for homeowners and shopkeepers to exist by improving our quality of life.
We need to reverse the development in our neighborhood. We are choking out the small town feeling that we once had we are top-heavy with housing and there is no balance between housing, schools, infrastructure, and needed services. We are headed for disaster!
Dancing Like The Stars
Senator Jeff Klein, in conjunction with Waterbury LaSalle, presents free ballroom dance lessons with instructor Don Jacobs, www.donjacobsballroom.com. Dance lessons are conducted at the Pelham Bay Library every Wednesday evening. We have two sessions, 6 and 7:30 p.m. You must register because space is limited. Call the dance hot line at (718) 828-7669 and leave your name, phone number, and the session you would like to attend. We will call you back. Couples and singles are needed. Young and old, everyone can have fun learning to dance. If you have an upcoming wedding or special event, you may want to learn to dance. This is a free program with a professional instructor.