In what will be a great victory for bocce players all over the area, the Department of Parks and Recreation will be spending half a million dollars to build and refurbished covered bocce courts in Loreto Park.
The news of the newly refurbished bocce courts in Loreto Park comes as a pleasant surprise to everyone in the community.
“I secured $500,000 in this year’s capital budget for the complete renovation of the bocce courts in Loreto Park,” said Councilman Jimmy Vacca. “This will be a major enhancement to a vital community resource. We are also going to take a look at the early childhood play equipment in the park.”
The news allows bocce players in the area to breath a sigh of relief, as the canopy that will be placed over the courts will protect the clay on which the bocce balls roll from damage due to rain or other inclement weather.
“One of the things the bcce players say is that rain damages the clay on the courts, and it takes a long time to return to the proper condition,” said Al D’Angelo, president of the Morris Park Community Association.
The courts have long been neglected, even though they are in constant use.
While in the past, the sport was limited to Italian immigrant populations, in more recent years, a more diverse group of bocce enthusiasts can be seen on area courts.
“It is my understanding that we have a group of doctors from local hospitals who have formed a team that enjoys playing on the courts,” D’Angelo stated.
D’Angelo said that he thought the restoration of the bocce courts and perhaps other equipment in the park will send the right signals to youth who tend to use the park after it closes at sunset. Teenagers have come to hang around the courts in the back of the park at night, often resulting in vandalism.