Bronx nonprofit Theory9 hosts back-to-school party at Fort #4 Playground
By Ethan Marshall and Jewel WebberPosted on
Izaiah Barrow, Founder of Theory9 Co-Founders Izaiah Barrow (third from left, holding his child) and Shakir Seagers (third from right) with New York City Council Member Pierina Ana Sanchez (fourth from left), New York City Community-Police Relations Foundation Director and Chair Glenn Hechler (fourth from right) and NYPD Officers.
Photo by Jewel Webber
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The Bronx-based nonprofit Theory9 hosted its fifth annual back-to-school party at Fort #4 Playground, located at 2895 Reservoir Ave., on Wednesday, Sept. 4.
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Police officers with New York City Community-Police Relations Foundation Chair and Director Glenn Hechler (third from left) and Theory9 Co-Founder Shakir Seagers (third from right). Photo by Jewel Webber
The event featured a live DJ playing music for attendees, bouncy houses, book bag and school supply giveaways, face painting, basketball games, haircuts for kids and more.
New York City Council Member Pierina Ana Sanchez (second from left) and staff members distributed backpacks and school supplies donated by the Community-Police Relations Foundation and others to attendees present. Photo by Jewel WebberPolice officers and kids at the event took part in a free throw competition. Photo by Jewel Webber
The nonprofit works to help kids in underserved communities by introducing them to knowledge, education, self-worth, love and connecting all aspects of life.
New York City Council Member Pierina Ana Sanchez was also honored by Theory9 Co-Founders Izaiah Barrow (left) and Shakir Seagers (right) for her generosity and dedication. Photo by Jewel Webber