I’ve gotten a list of Legion events and happenings from Bronx County Commander, Colleen McCarthy. It’s five months long so I’m going to print this on a monthly basis. January 18 is Bingo at the Throgg’s Neck Memorial Post 1456. This begins at 1 p.m. and all proceeds go to Calvary Hospital. January 23 is the Mid-Winter Conference at Albany. That’s it for January.
It appears that the Army again is failing to take care of its own. Remember, it was a long time to get Agent Orange recognized as a problem, well now Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is again in the spotlight. The Army is using this condition to oust troops from the service even though the troops have been diagnosed and are being treated for it. They are using the catch-all – conduct un-becoming. Fortunately there are advocacy groups involved to help out the troops. Congress people can surely put an end to this.
Not much going on at the Post. This week I go shopping for goodies to send my adopted 10th Mountain Platoon. I’ll keep you posted.
Trivia Time!!
“Frankenstein” was published on January 1, 1818.
On the same date in 1863, Abe Lincoln gave” The Emancipation Proclamation.”
On the same date in 1892, Ellis Island opened.
Again same date in 1914, The Bronx became a county.
La Guardia was inaugurated Mayor January 1, 1934.
The first subway strike , January 1, 1966.
Medicare began prescription coverage on, you guessed it, January 1, 2006.
Busy day this January 1st.
From 1-10 the ten countries with the highest reported crime.
1. Iceland. 2. Sweden. 3.UK. 4.Finland. 5.Belgium. 6.Denmark. 7. Netherlands. 8. Austria. 9. South Africa. 10.Luxembourg. This is based on crimes per 100,000 population.
Look what you can learn in this column.
Keep the troops in your prayers, take a vet to lunch and God bless.