Pelham Parkway transforms for an afternoon of Improv

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Sophie Tibiletti, Gabrielle Burgess, Judith Insell, Virg Dzurinko, Leonid Galaganov, Jessica Lee, Angelica Mondol Viaña, Joan Bradford and Naomi Castellanos perform on Pelham Parkway.
Photo Blaise Vacca

Improv on the Parkway, was supported by the Friends of Pelham Parkway and a City Artists Corp Grants. Joan Bradford, a Bronx native choreographer and dancer organized the event and brought together contemporary dancers including Angelica Mondol Viaña, Bethany Chang, Gabrielle Burgess, Jessica Lee, Sophie Tibiletti and musicians from Jump Off This Bridge, an improvisatory group including Judith Insell, viola; Virg Dzurinko, piano; and Leonid Galaganov, drums/percussion.

Blaise Vacca captured video and photos, and Roxanne Degaldo of Friends of Pelham Parkway invited the community to sit and engage. Floor seating was provided for passersby to sit; audience members were invited in to dance; and folks were able to take in and enjoy the live, improvised art happening in front of them.

Inspired by the beautiful scenery that is Pelham Parkway, we wanted to honor the natural beauty and explore the possibilities of music and dance in such a serene location in hopes of brining peace and joy after what has been a tough few years.