We are beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel. Our united voices are being heard. Pelham Bay Taxpayers & Civic Association, together with the combined efforts of NEBCA (six united civic associations), our elected officials, Community Board 10, newspaper and TV coverage, our communities are making headway.
Councilman Jimmy Vacca’s quick response to our concerns about the rumors of future plans for Plummer Pavilion was at first, optimistic.
Jimmy contacted the owner of Plummer Pavilion and was informed that he is renting the first floor of the building to medical surgeons. That was good news. However, who is he renting the rest of the floors to? PBTCA and Councilman Vacca feel this a matter of great importance and we will continue to seek answers regarding the future plans of the entire building so we can put these rumors to rest.
We remember when we first heard of the outrageous cost for a proposed group home at Waterbury Estates in this serious economic downturn. A home that was never initially designed or built for a group home facility and would have to be re-constructed to accommodate the nine clients at an additional tremendous cost. Where was the common sense?
Too many felt that this, as in the past, was a done deal. We did not! Our fight was just beginning. On October 3, 2008, Ken Kearns held a Community Board 10 meeting, together with the sponsors of the group home, at the Greek Church on Bruckner Boulevard.
Our president, Ed Romeo, suggested the sponsors look first into Community Board 3 for a home, where the clients are now residing. The cost would be hundreds of thousands less costly. The vote from CB 10 was 20 against the proposal for the group home in Waterbury Estates and one for.
The news on page 1 and page 70 of the April 9 issue of the Bronx Times Reporter was very encouraging. Together, with Senator Jeff Klein, Assemblyman Mike Benedetto, Councilman Vacca, CB 10 and NEBCA, we will overcome the negative invasion of our communities. We are focused that our taxes will be spent on the needs of our long neglected communities. If we confront these negative issues with optimism and not pessimism, we will succeed.
Join your local civic association and unite. Our future successes will include: angle parking on Crosby, Buhre, Pilgrim, St. Theresa, and Westchester avenues, municipal parking lots, downzoning of Westchester, Crosby avenues, and Middletown Road, the reversal of St. Paul Avenue traffic lights, speed humps, full stop signs and the elimination of graffiti in our neighborhoods.
Our next meeting is on Tuesday, April 21, and will be held at St. Theresa’s cafeteria. Refreshments at 7 p.m., followed by our meeting. Dues for 2009 are $10 which include the Bronx Times Reporter delivered to your home.