Christopher Eustace, principal of P.S. 105, located at 725 Brady Avenue, an-nounces the school’s third annual Career Day, scheduled for March 22, at the school. The event will begin at 8:30 a.m. and end at 11:30 a.m. Students in grades 3-5 will welcome guest speakers into their classrooms where the presenters will tell the children about their own educational backgrounds, their skills and emphasizethe link between a solid education andfuture career choices.
Student Council members, the admini-stration and the PTA Executive Board, will greet and welcome the guest speak-ers.
Thanks also to the many parents and staff members who worked diligently to recruit guest presenters. Assistant Prin-cipals who also supported and helped plan this event are: Rosemary McKnight, Evelyn Alier, Patricia Wynne and Gerard Longarzo (retired/now part time). Faye C. Waters is the coordinator of this event.