Over 150 people made Our Lady of the Assumption School’s Gym Restoration Family Basketball Night a real ‘slam dunk’ on Saturday, April 1. The fun-filled evening consisted of six games comprised of different age groups with the final two matches including parents and OLA staff competing against older children. Approximately $2,400 was raised and will go directly toward restoring the Pelham Bay-based elementary school’s gymnasium.

OLA fathers lent their support and cheered their children on from the sidelines.
Photo by Fernando Justiniano

Young OLA basketball players were excited to compete in Saturday’s game.
Photo by Fernando Justiniano

OLA basketball players proudly displayed their medals after their victory.
Photo by Fernando Justiniano

(l-r) Volunteer referees Dylan Piedra, Samantha Justiniano and Tiffany Rondon made sure the games ran smoothly.
Photo by Fernando Justiniano