Is there a better place to be than Wave Hill on Labor Day weekend — Saturday, Sunday or Monday? Pull up a Wave Hill chair and take in the wonderfully tender care that its gardeners lavish on the rolling lawns and gardens. Gaze across the mighty Hudson and appreciate the dedication of the Perkins family, who not only gave Wave Hill to the city a few decades ago but labored so hard to preserve the Palisades and the spectacular views. Wander through Glyndor Gallery and soak up the Native American perspective on the Hudson River Valley. But if you must labor over the weekend, let it be the charming one of choosing one delectable dish after the other at the Sunday Brunch in the historic Mark Twain Room — reservations by 4 p.m. Friday — and maybe a session at the Family Art Project — water lilies at the Aquatic Garden! — with the youngsters dearest to you.
Thursday, September 3, Gallery Tour: Join an Exhibition Interpreter for a tour of The Muhheakantuck in Focus: Contemporary artists look at “the river that flows both ways” through projects that explore the First Nations’ engagement with the river and the impact of Henry Hudson’s arrival. Also on view is Audrey Hasen Russell’s Slant Branch Souvenir (Thinkin’ on You), a large-scale installation in the Sunroom. Tours take place Wednesdays and Thursdays at noon, and at 2 p.m. on Saturdays. Free with admission to the grounds. Glyndor Gallery, Noon.
Saturday, September 5, Family Art Project–Water Lily Wonders: Water Lily Wonders/Lirios maravillosos: Sketch and paint water lilies and other wonders of the Aquatic Garden at its peak. Hints provided by Claude Monet’s layers of luscious color. Free with admission to the grounds. The Sally And Gilbert Kerlin Learning Center, 1 to 4 p.m. Also on Sunday, September 6.
Sunday, September 6, Sunday Brunch: Sunday Brunch features organic produce from Katchkie Farm, a project of Wave Hill’s exclusive caterer Great Performances. Reservations at (718) 549-3200, ext. 395. $22 per person (not including admission to the grounds). Reservations by 4 p.m. the Friday before each brunch. Wave Hill House, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Sunday, September 6, Garden Walk: Join in an hour-long tour of seasonal garden highlights. Free with admission to the grounds. Meet at Perkins Visitor Center, 2 p.m. Also on Monday, September 7 and Tuesday, September 8.
Tuesday, September 8. YOGA: Find refuge from city life by practicing seasonal yoga outdoors on the grounds of Wave Hill. Decrease stress and increase your energy by focusing on your posture, breath control and meditation. Classes are led by Neem Dewji. Classes are held out-of-doors. Inclement weather cancels; call (718) 549-3200, ext. 245 by 8 a.m. the day of the session to confirm. Fee: $10. Pre-registration not required. Meet At Perkins Visitor Center, 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Thursday, September 10, Gallery Tour: Join an Exhibition Interpreter for one of our regularly scheduled tours of The Muhheakantuck in Focus: Contemporary artists look at “the river that flows both ways” through projects that explore the First Nations’ engagement with the river and the impact of Henry Hudson’s arrival. Also on view is Audrey Hasen Russell’s Slant Branch Souvenir (Thinkin’ on You), a large-scale installation in the Sunroom. Tours take place Wednesdays and Thursdays at noon, and at 2 p.m. on Saturdays. Free with admission to the grounds. Glyndor Gallery, noon.
Wave Hill is located at 675 W. 252nd Street. For more information call (718) 549-3200.