Around The County
See your veterans and community activities here. Call (347) 672-4918. Sunday, July 27, there will be an old fashioned grocery sale at the TN Memorial Post 1456. Proceeds go to Legion and Auxiliary causes.
Post Info
Remember our new mailing address is P.O. Box 417, Throggs Neck Station, Bronx, N.Y. 10465. Dues are due. They’ve been reduced so there’s no excuse. (I didn’t mean to rhyme, it just happened.) We hope all had a safe 4th of July and that you did something at least a little patriotic on our country’s special day. A recent article in the American Legion Magazine tells of the severe hardships, like execution, faced by those who dare to sign that declaration back in July of 1776 in search of freedom and democracy.
After reading something about Senator McCain that Tom sent me, I feel compelled to comment about that retired general who dumped a military buddy for the sake of politics – yes, riding in a jet and getting shot down might must make you a good president!
Many folks ask me where I get the closing sayings – I aint’ telling!
Until Next Time
At the bridge into heaven you will meet all the animals you have met in your lifetime. They will decide if you cross over or not. – American Indian saying