It’s raining issues out there.
Step out of the rain and join us under the protective umbrella of N.E.B.C.A.
Check out our website and email us at
You can send in your gripes, online, over the phone, or through the mail.
The North East Bronx
Community Alliance
We have established a strong network with our great elected officials, dedicated Community Board 10 and many NYC and state departments that can help us help you. Let our experience of dealing with issues help your neighborhood become a stronger more vibrant place to live. Take advantage of this opportunity to voice your opinion on everyday matters that affect you. Go to and voice your opinion online.
What Can We Do For You?
When you voice your opinion with us, we review your concern and then vote to back you up or not! Most likely you share the same concerns as we do. Now you become one person represented by thousands instead of one person represented by a small group. What may be more important is that our elected officials will have a person present at most meetings and community board votes that is already educated at our NEBCA meetings about the general feelings of a particular neighborhood on a matter to be voted on.
Imagine an elected official getting a letter from an Alliance of 10 community groups, six merchant associations, and four park/environmental groups that all share the same vision. That is a lot of votes compared to a letter from one advocate or a small group of homeowners/residents or three store owners.
Of course there will be issues that we cannot solve, (just look at our mayor). But if together we can’t solve the issue at least it will be in the spotlight. At least there will be others aware that there is a problem. When we are even stronger, then we will try again.
We need your support and you can use our help!
Send a request on information to become a supporting member on your letterhead to North East Community Alliance at 724 Brush Avenue, Bronx, NY 10465 or email us at