Family, friends and members of New York’s Finest joined in unveiling a memorial plaque honoring slain FDNY Station 26 EMT Yadira Arroyo on Sunday, March 17 at 1904 Watson Avenue. The event commemorated the second anniversary of the 44-year-old on-duty tragic passing. Arroyo, a 14-year veteran and mother of five, was killed in a fatal ambulance hijacking on the evening of Thursday, March 16 in Soundview.

Arroyo’s family showed their support at her memorial and plaque unveiling ceremony.
Photo by Fernando Justiniano

A photo of Arroyo was presented to her family and friends by Oren Barzilay (front, 2nd from r), District Council 37 EMS Local 2507 president.
Photo by Fernando Justiniano

Fellow EMTs were prepared to unveil the memorial plaque.
Photo by Fernando Justiniano

EMT and FDNY members saluted the late Arroyo for her dedicated community service.
Photo by Fernando Justiniano