In our last column, the board commented that the Institute of Applied Human Dynamics had put forth a proposal to establish a group home for developmentally disabled adults at 2992 Lawton Avenue in Throggs Neck. The sponsors plan to house 3 to 8 developmentally disabled adults at the property. The Board scheduled a public meeting for July 1 at 7:30 p.m. at Ft. Schuyler House, located at 3077 Cross Bronx Expressway. The meeting was well attended and many speakers, both pro and con expressed their views.
Under New York State Law, a community cannot oppose the placement of a group home in their neighborhood. The New York State Mental Hygiene Law provides that any sponsor of a group home must notify the local governmental body, in our case, Community Board 10, of its intention to place a group home at a given location. The community has a period of time to conduct a hearing, assess the proposal, and to determine if the area is saturated with other facilities, and to offer alternatives. The Institute of Applied Human Dynamic’s proposal reached the board mid June. CB 10, like all other boards do not meet during the summer months, and therefore, could not render a decision. The board will take up this matter September, during its regularly scheduled meetings.
The last column described conditions at the Westchester Square Library. There were missing floor tiles in several sections of the library forming trip hazards. In response to these conditions, the board forwarded correspondence to the New York Public Library’s central administration requesting that these problems be corrected. The board is happy to note that the library will be initiating a renovation of the floors, which will provide the Library with solid new flooring, not only improving its appearance, but enhancing its safety.
In the coming weeks, you will be reading about the mayor’s plan to establish a Charter Revision Commission. Among its tasks will be to hold public hearings in each borough to consider a series of propositions that will substantially alter the system of government, as it is known. Look to future articles for a discussion on this subject. Speaking of governmental operations, there are many who believe that the 311 Information System has replaced community boards. 311 is a reporting system that is designed to route a caller with a complaint to specific complaint area, where a number is assigned to the complaint. After which, a work order is generated by the agency who had received the complaint, and the problem is addressed. We at CB 10 do not view 311 as a rival system. Rather we view 311 and its staff, as colleagues. When a complaint comes to the community board office, the board will contact 311, obtain a complaint number and work with the appropriate agency to address the matter. The community board and staff of 311 are working daily, to make our communities better.
The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene have published an informative and sensitive pamphlet discussing domestic violence. This excellent publication is entitled Health Bulletin, How to Keep Yourself Safe-Intimate Partner Violence, Volume 7, Number 7. The pamphlet discusses general legal and social issues surrounding domestic violence, the types of behavior associated with it, and the ill effects on one’s health. The pamphlet offers advice on how to deal with the situation. It provides numbers to such services as a Domestic Violence Hotline Counselor at 311 or 1-800-621-Hope. The pamphlets also offer further advice numbers, such as LifeNet at 800-543-3638 and several other valuable numbers. Additional pamphlets can be downloaded from
The US Census Bureau has announced that it is seeking motivated individuals to serve as managers for the upcoming census. The agency will be opening Early Local Census Offices for the 2010 Diennial Census in the fall. For further information, please contact the agency at its website
The board routinely receives complaints about sanitation issues, and one of the most prolific complaints concern dog walkers, who do not clean up after their canine friends.
It is imperative to the health of community that anyone who has an animal companion, clean up after their friend. Please remember to do this, it is the law. If you are walking your dog in any of our parks, the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation has published a pamphlet entitled Dogs In Parks, A Guide. Some basic guidelines include keeping your dog on a leash no more than six feet long, except in those areas that have designated as no leash, at the prescribed time. When your canine friend needs to relieve him or herself, make sure that this activity is not on the grass and clean up after your friend. Additional guidelines can be obtained by visiting
The board office is ready to assist you with any problem or concern that you may be having with a city agency. Our Office is opened from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily.
Our phone number is (718) 892-1161, fax number is (718) 863-6860 and our e-mail is