The Waterbury-LaSalle Community Association brought to the attention of Bronx Community Board 10, plans to construct multi-family dwelling at 3030 Middletown
Road, the site of a former union building. The developer plans to construct 44 condominiums in a seven story structure with 34 underground parking spaces. The developer also has many housing code violations on his existing properties. Furthermore, he owes the City of New York, several thousand dollars for emergency repairs that the Department of Housing Preservation and Development has made to his properties.
Additionally, the developer has applied for benefits from the New York City Industrial Commercial Incentive Program. The New York City Department of Buildings has placed the building permits on hold for this property and CB 10 has requested that the Department of Finance, which administers the Industrial Commercial Incentive Program, deny this developer benefits, until the Buildings Department issues the permits.
Additionally, the board has further requested that the Department of Buildings take into consideration the developer’s history, before granting any permits.
The board will monitor this project.
In an earlier column, the board informed readers of a proposal to establish a wine shop at 3202 Ampere Avenue. On May 13, the Housing and Zoning Committee of the board conducted a public hearing to gauge the opinions of community residents. The Spencer Estate community expressed its overwhelming opposition to the establishment of the shop. As a result, the board recommended to the State Liquor Authority, that an “off premise” liquor license not be granted to the applicant.
Recently, two letters from residents appeared in the Bronx Times Reporter criticizing the board and the district manager for opposing the wine store. The May 13 meeting, of the Housing and Zoning Committee was attended by a large contingent of Spencer Estate residents who voiced their opposition to the wine store. The board also received petitions signed by 123 residents of the same community, informing the board of their opposition to establishment of the wine store. The Housing and Zoning Committee of the board acknowledged that the community was overwhelmingly against this store and prepared a resolution which was subsequently passed by the majority of the board at its May 15 meeting. This resulted in the Board’s letter of opposition being sent to the New York State Liquor Authority. The board’s opposition was not based on the opinion of one member or an employee, the board’s opposition was based on the sentiments expressed by the majority of residents of the Spencer Estates community, who came to meetings, analyzed the situation, collected signatures and petitioned the board.
In past columns, we informed readers about plans to construct a six story 56 unit housing complex a Lyvere Street, in the vicinity of Westchester Square. The board has been trying to have a meeting with the New York State Office of Mental Health (OMH) to sensitize the agency to the inappropriate nature of this development, and the inundation of Westchester Square by social service entities. Finally, with the assistance of Senator Klein, the board was able to schedule a meeting with OMH to discuss how this project could be amended to assist our neighbors struggling with mental challenges, while incorporating the facility into communal life by reconfiguring it as a series of townhouses on a campus like setting. The board will keep the readers of this column informed in subsequent articles.
The New York City Department of Sanitation is sponsoring free compositing events for gardeners from July through September. Composting utilizes food and yard waste to stimulate growth in gardens. Additional information concerning composting events can be obtained by contacting the Department of Sanitation at (718) 817-8543 or visiting their web site at As summer approached, Pelham Bay Park, the city’s largest park, will be sponsoring many events for the enjoyment young people. Whether it is an athletic event or a lecture or walk sponsored by the Urban Park Rangers, there will be many activities in our parks. Information about events in this park or others can be obtained by contacting and typing in parks and recreation.
Spring is here and this means that the trees are in bloom, but it also means that there are seasonal storms, some quite heavy, that can cause flooding and sewer line surcharges. The board recommends that anyone who is aware of a clogged catch basin, a blockage on a sewer line, or a tree that requires pruning, to contact the board with the location. Once received, the Board can reach out to the relevant City agency to have the problem addressed.
The board routinely receives complaints about sanitation issues, and one of the most prolific complaints concern dog walkers, who do not clean up after their canine friends.
It is imperative to health of community that anyone who has an animal companion, clean up after their friend. This is the law.
The board office is ready to assist you with any problem that you may be having with a city agency. It is opened from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Our phone number is (718) 892-1161, fax number is (718) 863-6860 and our e-mail is