The hot topic in the Waterbury-LaSalle section of Throggs Neck is the proposed building of 1,100 apartments along Bruckner Boulevard between Crosby and East Tremont avenues and another spot across East Tremont Avenue going toward the Hutch Parkway.
Throggs Neck Homeowners Association is unequivocally against the upzoning of these properties, as we fought so hard 10 years ago to keep our zoning down with the help of Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Jim Vacca when he was the district manager of CB 10. The mayor came to our Throggs Neck Homeowners meeting at the Villa Barone to announce the downzoning of Throggs Neck, inviting dozens of TV stations to cover the event.
It was a proud day for Throggs Neck as I introduced the mayor before he made the announcement, and he mentioned it again at his State of the City address. This was the fruition of many months of meetings with this goal in mind, and we never thought it would be on the chopping block in this way.
Throggs Neck Associates LLC, whoever they are, are hiding behind the name. Our goal now is to find out who the principals of this corporation are, who don’t deserve to use the name Throggs Neck. It is an insult to all who live here.
There is a protest rally scheduled on Saturday, Aug. 28, at noon, at Foodtown and I urge all who can attend to please show up. We want to lend a hand to our neighbors at Waterbury LaSalle and to keep our community a bastion of one- and two-family houses.
Pop-up clinics
St. Frances de Chantal is sponsoring pop up clinics for COVID-19 vaccinations. There will be an initial one on Saturday, Aug. 28 from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. at the de Chantal Hall, as well as on Sept. 10-12. You can apply for a $100 debit card and if you want, you can donate the $100 to the Church. For more information, please call the rectory at 718-792-5500.
For up-to-date information, please check our Facebook page: Throggs Neck Homeowners Association. You can also call us at 718-823-0327 or message us on our Facebook page.