Cardinal Dolan begins new year at Cardinal Spellman with Mass of the Holy Spirit

CSHS Mass of Holy Spriit with Cadinal Dolan
Timothy Cardinal Dolan joins Cardinal Spellman High School for a Mass to open the school year.
Photo courtesy John Farrell

To begin the 2023-2024 academic year, 1,250 students from Cardinal Spellman High School, accompanied by the administration, faculty and staff gathered on Sept. 8 for the annual Mass of the Holy Spirit with Timothy Cardinal Dolan. Father Peter Pilsner, director of spiritual activities, and Father Joseph Michael Fino, CFR concelebrated the Mass with Dolan and were assisted by Deacon John Maulucci. In his homily, Cardinal Dolan said how very proud he was of the students and staff for promoting excellence in Catholic identity and education.  After Mass, the cardinal met with some of the Campus Ministry student leaders, the altar servers and students who received Sacraments last year. 

Immediately following the Mass, the new Student Body President Khayan Harris and Vice President Ianthy Fernandez were administered the oath of office by Jeri Faulkner, principal of Cardinal Spellman. Each spoke briefly to the students, encouraging them to excel in academics and display their Spellman spirit throughout the year.

Each year, the president and vice president, together with the Executive Committee of Student Government, will organize and coordinate various school-wide events and activities that are popular with students, including the annual Pep Rally, Spirit Week, International Culture Day, Give a Gift at Christmas time for children in the community, Candy Grams for Valentine’s Day, Teacher Appreciation Day, the junior year boat ride and school dances.

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