Around Town: News from your neighbors

Around Town: News from your neighbors

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Rotary Club News

Some summaries of recent meetings are as follows:

During the Tuesday, August 11 meeting, Ed Hicks delivered a presentation outlining where the Rotary Club of the Bronx and its foundation stand.

He began with information that included details about Rotary Clubs worldwide. He explained that the Rotary Club exists in every country in except North Korea and Cuba. Getting more specific to the Bronx chapter, he said that the club’s foundation is locally driven. It provides grants only to 501(c)3 organizations.

At the Tuesday, September 1 meeting, Amir Asadi introduced guests from Easter Seals. Aris Pavlides, Rick Sherman and Amanda Compton presented Easter Seals with a check, and then Pavlides explained about Easter Seals operations on East Tremont Avenue near Castle Hill Avenue.

During the September 1 meeting, Marilyn Masiero, held an induction ceremony for Sandy Wolstein, the daughter of the late Dr. Arthur Wolstein, a past club president and long-time member. She was presented with a Rotary pin by Mary Springman, standing in for her sponsor, Bea Castiglia-Catullo.

At the club’s meeting on Tuesday, September 8, Ralph Scottino cleared up misconception about big-game hunting for the membership. He has been on three safaris in Africa. He explained about different types of safaris.

The Rotary Club of the Bronx meets every Tuesday at 12:15 p.m. at The Shrimp Box, 64 City Island Avenue.

Reach Reporter Patrick Rocchio at (718) 260-4597. E-mail him at Follow him on Twitter @patrickfrocchio.