As students return to school, families may need additional support as their children transition back to in-person learning. Here are some helpful tips for parents and caregivers to review.
- Establish the importance of routines.
- Mealtime generally at the same time/place every evening.
- Reduce screen time, especially at night.
- Refreshers on reading, math, and other skills they had but may have forgotten.
- Prepare your child for the new school year:
- Show them that you are looking forward to a new school year.
- Begin modeling and practicing self-regulation skills.
- If possible, involve them in school supply shopping.
- Discuss positive things about returning to the school building.
- Encourage them to share their thoughts about returning to school.
- Speak about ways to stay safe throughout the school day.
- Brain-storm about how to handle anxiety about being back in school.
Model self-regulation in your family: Self-regulation is the act of managing thoughts, coping with big emotions, adapting and responding to one’s environment appropriately. It is taught through interaction with child and caretaker, as the caretaker promotes and models healthy behaviors and coping skills. This is called co-regulation.
Self-regulation helps you and your child cope with challenging feelings, stressors and decisions to be made together. It promotes wellbeing across the lifespan and is important, as it allows children to do well in school, with peers and at home.
For a full list of helpful tips and additional resources, please visit