Letter: There’s nothing new about gerrymandering

Governor Kathy Hochul signs legislation extending the Emergency Rental Assistance Program at the Executive Mansion in Albany.
Mike Groll/Office of Governor Kathy Hochul

To the Editor,

Re: Larry Penner’s opinion piece on gerrymandering in the Feb. 11 editor of The Bronx Times/Bronx Times Reporter.

First, I happen to agree with the author on the amount of real estate the congressperson will have to cover with the newly realigned district. But the author acts as if this practice is brand new. Former Congressman Eliot Engel’s district ran all the way up to Rockland County from the Bronx. The former district of my former state senator literally looked like Abraham Lincoln sitting on top of a vacuum cleaner from the 1950s; in my former Assembly district the first election district is next door to the 99th, etc.

Second, I will ask the same question I have been asking before on these pages: What is the author doing other than writing opinion pieces and complaining about it? There are races for Assembly, Senate and Congress this year. Many party races are also being held this year. Why doesn’t the author try and put together a team and run for office, or at least run for a position within his political party? That way he will at least have a vote on its candidates.

I do not at all agree with the candidates my political party has chosen for office; I am on the state committee. The convention is later in the month. I am going to the convention to vote and voice my opinion (calmly and respectfully, of course).

In all the years I have been reading “letters” pages, I saw only one appointed official ever respond: former NYC Parks Commissioner Adrian Benepe. Doesn’t the author understand the futility of constantly complaining and backing it with nothing else?

Nat Weiner