Vice President TNMA
ected vice president of the Throggs Neck Merchants Association, I wanted to take the opportunity to showcase the association and its involvement in our community. Under the leadership of John Cerini as president, the association has made tremendous strides. Most notably is the re-appearance of the holiday lights along Tremont Avenue. The association has also gotten involved with various community groups such as TNCAP which works to make the community safer for children, as well as the Bronx Overall Economic Development Corp to assist the merchants obtain assistance and funding from the city.
We’ve also launched a website for the association which lists all the participating merchants with links to their websites, highlights a different merchant every week and provides information on upcoming meetings and events. I urge you to visit the website at: It’s a fantastic site and is developed and maintained by one of our local merchants. You can also reach us directly by phone at (646) 657-1312 if you can’t find your information on the website.
I’m proud to be a member of the association and can attest to the positive impact the association has had on us here at Chase Bank. Please support your local merchants here in Throggs Neck as we are now supporting you. I will be writing the article for TNMA for the next few months and look forward to hearing your comments.