Hello all!
Well I lied last week. There is a column this week, it’s next week this spot will be empty and then we’ll carry on as usual.
I hope you all have a great T-Day.
This in from Bronx County Commander, Colleen McCarthy: Miriam Cohen, the oldest living Marine passed away this past Veterans Day at the age of 102. After her service, she became very active in Veterans’ Affairs and spent much time in helping those vets in need. Click on: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nycmarines/sets/72157622702999807/ for more info.
The US Department of Homeland Security has established a website to assist vets. The site includes information about employment opportunities and veteran contracting opportunities. Go to: www.dhs.gov/veterans
Don’t forget the VA visit on Sunday, November 29 .
That’s it for now.
Trivia Time!!
The Nuremberg Trials began on November 20, 1945.
The Verrazano Bridge opened November 21, 1964.
President Kennedy was assassinated November 22, 1963.
How important do you have to be before you’re assassinated and not murdered?
The first juke box was played on November 23, 1889.
The first Macy’s parade took place November 27, 1924.
Keep the troops in your prayers, hug a vet and God bless.