Hello all!
We at Sam Young extend to Past County Commander and Past Unionport Post Commander, Luis Salgado, our deepest sympathies on the loss of his mother. At the same time, we pass along our condolences to the family of a Unionport member, Orlando Cruz, on his passing. Orlando was a police officer and husband of ex-council member Lucy Cruz. Again, our prayers to both.
I’m writing this on January 22 and have been busy with stuff. Good stuff. Thursday, the 21, I went to Ralph Carnicelli, owner of American Vending Machines in Yonkers (where my granddaughter Loren Derosa works) and got a whole bunch of goodies for our adopted platoon in Afghanistan. I got cookies, candy, peanuts and trail mix, etc.
When Ralph heard where this was going, he didn’t want to charge me. I persisted because I want to go back there again.
He took a minuscule amount of money, returned some and said put it toward board games which I did. On the way home, I stopped In at Toys R Us, (can’t make a backwards R on the key board) and got Scrabble, Chess, Dominoes and Playing Cards.
Believe it or not they did not have Checkers, so, today I went looking for that. I found them at CVS in a combination board game of checkers, chess and bingo. While I was there I picked up chewing gum. Then off to Harmon for waterless hand sanitizer and Tic Tacs. When I go to work tending bar tomorrow, I’ll stop at the post office and mail out the goodies.
I need to get some more stuff to fill the game carton and then that’s off. Daughters #s 2 and 3, Rosemarie and Kim, heard of my goings on and contributed monies towards the effort. All in all it was a productive two days.
Trivia Time!!
On January 10, 1863, the first subway opened in London.
On the 11th in 1961, The Throgs Neck Bridge opened. I think the toll was a quarter, what happened?
The first gold arrived at Fort Knox on January 13, 1937.
January 14, 1865, saw the first burial at Woodlawn Cemetery.
January 15, 1943, saw the opening of the Puzzle Palace. That’s the Pentagon to you civilians.
On the same date in1967, the first Super Bowl was played.
No, I don’t know the teams or who won so someone in Bronx Times Reporter help me out.
The richest country with a gross domestic product per capita is Luxembourg with 110, 032. We are tenth with 46, 820.
The poorest country is Burundi with 140.
Keep the troops in your prayers, take a vet to lunch and God bless.