The Bronx is the only borough without a rink.
“The kids love the rink. The schools enjoy the rink. The community wants a rink,” said BID executive director, Dr. Cary Goodman. “The Yankee replace-ment parks have space and money. It is a mystery why nothing is being done.
”The Yankee replacement parks have a budget of nearly $200 million according to their project manager, Frank McCue. The overall expense budget citywide for the Parks Department exceeds $330 mil-lion, and the capital budget is nearly $2 billion.
“A Stadium district ice rink would cost a fraction of a percent of the re-placement park budget,” Goodman noted. “A rink would be great for merchants, residents, visitors and those who work in the area.”
During February, students from more than a dozen schools, day care centers and community organizations have vis-ited the BID rink and received instruc-tion from Parks personnel.
“We’ve had a good partnership with Parks this month during the Olympics,” said Goodman. “Now we need them to create a permanent rink. It is only fair.”
The 20’ x 40’ rink has been housed at 900 Grand Concourse, at the Mid-Bronx Senior Citizens Council and the former site of the Concourse Plaza Hotel. It was dedicated by U.S. Olympic skater, Jeremy Abbott on January 29.