The Pelham Parkway South Neighborhood Association (PPSNA) will hold its monthly meeting on Wednesday, March 17 at 7 p.m. at Bronx House,990 Pelham Parkway South.Returning as our guest speaker will be Mr. I. Terranova, Community Affairs Officer of the New York City Department of Sanitation.
After Mr. Terranova’s last appearance at our meeting, he was instrumental in cleaning up conditions in our neighborhood that needed attention. One in particular was his inspectors issuing summonses to people not curbing their dogsand cleaning up after them.
Some of the matters the Department of Sanitation is responsible for are:refuse and recycling collection, illegal dumping, service requests, removing derelictvehicles, lot cleaning, and missed collections.We invite you to come and hearwhat Mr. Terranova has to tell us now, and for you to tell him what we need inour neighborhood.See you on St. Patrick’s Day.