PAL offers after school programs for youngsters
??Homework help, basketball, dance class, poetry sessions and computer re-search on the Theme of the Month are all activities that a Bronx child experiences during a typical week at the Police Ath-letic League’s (PAL) After School Pro-grams throughout the Bronx.
From fall through June, After School Programs at PAL’sNew South Bronx Center, PAL’s Webster-Giannone Center in Fordham-Tremont and PAL’s PS 48 in Hunts Point provide a supervised envi-ronment for Bronx children filled with fun, excitement, learning and camarade-rie.
Mondays through Fridays, from 3 to 6 p.m., PAL centers are filled with young-sters in first through eighth grades taking part in the multiple opportunities avail-able through the After School Programs.
Serving over 2,400 New York City children annually, PAL’s After School Programs offer a wide range of activities for young people that are designed to re-inforce school lessons, foster creativity, build positive character traits, encourage teamwork and develop leadership skills,” said PAL’s executive director Felix A. Urrutia Jr. We aim to give children a safe and fun place to go in the afternoons that helps accommodate parents childcare needs.
?During PAL’s After School Program, children rotate through academic, arts and recreation and wellness program-ming as part of their weekly routine. Af-ter daily homework help, young people expand their academic knowledge through poetry readings, storytelling, word games, spelling bees and research on the center’s Theme of the Month that range from caring for the environment to historical events.
Twice a week, children choose to par-ticipate in their favorite art programs, including drawing, painting, dance, drama and creative writing, to increase their self-expression and enhance their cultural awareness. The young partici-pants take part in fitness and recreation activities such as basketball, ping pong, and nutrition education on how to choose the right foods. Additionally, children have the chance to participate in a vari-ety of clubs that range from cooking to filmmaking to sign language, depending on their PAL Center during “Club Fri-days.”
PAL After School Programs have open registration from until June.The fees for the After School Program vary by center, with the highest cost being $20 for an en-tire year.