Public Advocate Letitia James’ annual 100 Worst Landlords List features ten Bronx property owners.
Each landlord and buildings’ score is based on 12 different data points collected from October 2016 to October 2017 to better reflect the conditions at a specific building.
The buildings’ status will be updated monthly to reflect real time changes in NYC Housing Preservation and Development and NYC Department of Buildings open violations.
The worst Bronx building was the 11 unit 1892 Morris Avenue owned by Rawle Isaacs with 485 HPD and 34 DOB violations.
Isaacs is also the head officer for 2038 Morris Avenue (108 HPD violations), 2042 Morris Avenue (164 HPD violations) and 1982 Walton Avenue (212 HPD violations).
HPD said as of Monday, November 20 there were 219 open housing code violations at 1892 Morris Avenue with 50 Class A non-hazardous violations, 149 Class B hazardous violations and 20 Class C immediately hazardous violations.
Isaacs said he is working with HPD to address the issues at his properties.
Other problematic Bronx properties include – 2. 1807 Phelan Place (342 HPD violations), head officer Gil Broitman; 3. 1541 Westchester Avenue (341 HPD and 2 DOB violations), head officer Yon Kim; 4. 3550 Holland Avenue (315 HPD violations), head officer Arnold Anderson; 5. 2356 Lorillard Place (313 HPD and two DOB violations), head officer Stephen Tobia; 6. 2001 Newbold Avenue (294 HPD violations), head officer Thomas Steiner; 7. 919 Prospect Avenue (293 HPD and 7 DOB violations), head officer Seth Miller; 8. 645 E. 228th Street (272 HPD violations), head officer Benjamin Adegbite; 9. 1140 Anderson Avenue (242 HPD violations), head officer Al Lazar and 10. 1208 Clay Avenue (242 HPD violations), head officer Leo Hernandez.
Named this year’s worst NYC landlords were – 1. Jonathan Cohen/Silvershore Properties (188 units in 19 buildings with 1,090 HPD and 15 DOB violations), 2. Rawle Isaacs (214 units in four buildings with 969 HPD and 34 DOB violations), 3. Thomas Steiner (320 units in four buildings with 843 HPD and 12 DOB violations), 4. Bruce Haley (170 units in eight buildings with 826 HPD and five DOB violations), 5. Eric Silverstein (237 units in three buildings with 739 HPD and 32 DOB violations), 6. Adam Stryker (177 units in 11 buildings with 734 HPD and six DOB violations), Joel Goldstein (209 units in 10 buildings with 721 HPD and 10 DOB violations), Meir Fried (131 units in 18 buildings with 718 HPD violations), 9. Mark Tress (20 units in one building with 650 HPD and 13 DOB violations) and 10. Robert Kaszovitz (207 units in four buildings with 597 HPD violations).
“No New Yorker should be subjected to live in a hazardous home yet bad landlords in our city are forcing too many tenants to live in dangerous and indecent conditions,” expressed James.
The full list is available at www.landl