New York Yankees Community Council seeks applicant for Youth Leadership Award

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The New York Yankees Community Council will provide a $750 stipend to five deserving students nominated by Bronx Community Board 10 to receive the Youth Leadership Award.

Applicants must have performed 50 hours of leadership/volunteer work as a tutor, mentor, community unity developer and/or as an advocate against violence or substance abuse in their community.  

CB 10 is seeking high school seniors who reside in the Bronx Community Board 10 service area and meet the service requirements above. 

Applicants should complete and submit an application with a resume stating the applicant’s name, address, education, voluntary and/or extracurricular activities,  work experience, awards, etc., to Bronx Community Board #10 via mail, email at or by hand to 3165 E. Tremont Ave., by Friday, Feb. 25, at 5 p.m. 

Application forms can be downloaded from the board website, under “Announcements” or requested by contacting the board office at 718-892-1161.