Cockroaches are for lovers—or… erm, ex-lovers.
Back by popular demand, the Bronx Zoo has announced the return of its “Name-a-Roach” program, where you can name a Madagascar hissing cockroach after your ex. After all, they’re both creepy.
For a $15 donation, the Zoo will send a digital certificate proudly displaying the new name of one of their Madagascar hissing cockroaches, featured in the Madagascar! exhibit. But these namesakes aren’t just for exes—guests can also name a roach after friends, family, celebrities, or even their current Valentine!
The Zoo is also offering expanded Name-a-Roach packages for higher donations. Patrons can select roach-themed gifts like a beanie, a fanny pack, or a Madagascar hissing cockroach plush toy—because teddy bears are boring. There’s even a virtual experience where participants can meet their roach, chat with experts about the critters, and say hello to a surprise guest. Expanded packages range from $35 to $80 and are available while supplies last.
Over the past decade, hopeless romantics have named 56,000 cockroaches through the Bronx Zoo’s popular Valentine’s Day tradition. Don’t miss your chance to “Name-a-Roach” and crawl your way into someone’s heart.
The Zoo is accepting orders for this quirky Valentine’s Day gift through Feb. 5 to ensure all items are delivered in time for Feb. 14.