One local comic book shop has drawn in some interesting characters during its years and soon you may be able to see them in a new television show.
Located at 1808 Colden Avenue, The Lair has been a neighborhood staple for a decade, according to Jorge Rodriguez, the store’s owner.
The quaint store front shore offers the perfect fortress of solitude for fans looking for their favorite superhero’s latest adventures or battling it out in weekly ‘Magic: The Gathering’ card playing tournaments.
Grizz Chapman has been friends with Rodriguez since the store’s inception and became a business partner about two years ago.
A fan of both Spider-Man and Batman, Chapman has been a huge comic book fan since he was a child waking up at 4 a.m. to catch the latest adventures of everyone’s friendly neighborhood ‘web-slinger’.
During his time at The Lair, Chapman and many of his fellow co-workers have seen their fair share of funny and one-of-a-kind customers step through the front door.
It was partially these unforgettable moments which gave Chapman an idea to create a television show based on real life experiences and people who adore all things comic books.
An actor by trade, Chapman has prior experience working in the field.
His best–known role was the character Warren ‘Grizz’ Griswold from the hit television show ‘30 Rock,’ which ran from 2006 until last year.
His TV character is well remembered by all as being both a friend to Tracy Morgan’s character as well as an integral part of his entourage in the sitcom.
Admittedly not a professional writer, Chapman revealed that he has been collaborating with a team of writers to make sure it perfectly embodies Chapman’s vision of how both the real-life comic book industry and its passionate fans are as oppose to more mainstream interpretations.
Although shows like ‘The Big Bang Theory’ and AMC’s ‘Comic Book Men’ have made this once maligned art form socially accepted, Chapman said, his show will focus more upon the industry and its legions of fans who come from all walks of life.
“I want to create something that’s funny, but can also make you think,” he said.
Chapman divulged the show will be called ‘The Lair’ after the titular store, and the story line was recently changed to incorporate his son into the series.
He said that less than half of the cast has been assembled. One notable actress among them is Laura Gomez who portrayed Blanca Flores in the popular Netflix’s series ‘Orange is the New Black.’
Filming is tentatively set for February and Chapman hopes to start pitching the reality show to networks by June.
The Lair comic book store will be utilized in a few scenes for the show, however a storage room will serve as the major production set once it is fully cleared and decorated to mimic the store’s interior, Chapman said.
The Lair can be reached daily at (347) 680-7934 or via email at
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