To the Editor,
Proposed reductions to several borough library system budgets make no sense. During the many hot summer days, NYC opens up cooling centers to assist New Yorkers with excessive heat. Many seniors and others are frequent visitors to their local library. In too many cases, they don’t open until noon, close by 6 p.m. or remain closed on Saturday and Sunday.
With a proposed $102.7 billion-plus new municipal budget, surely a few million can be found for extending library hours rather than reducing them. Why not have all libraries open seven days per week, 9 a.m.-8 p.m. year-round? Seniors, retirees, students and others would be appreciative.
Elected officials who find the funding are welcome to have their local library post signs by the entrance that “opening of these longer hours and days are thanks to funding provided by your local councilmember. This just might be the incentive for city councilmembers to do the right thing and find the funding necessary to take advantage of this underutilized asset.
Larry Penner