Around The Post
This is our 100th newsletter! Thanks, Bronx Times Reporter.
The next meeting of the Theodore Korony Post 253 will be at the Turner Club, third Sunday, November 16, at 11 a.m. sharp, please.
Another “well done” to Past Commander Colleen McCarthy, who will be receiving an award from the 10th Mountain Division for leading the Support the Troops gift packages drive.
Upcoming Events
October 25, cleanup of Veterans Memorial Park around 10 a.m.
November 9, Annual Parade starts at Lafayette Avenue at noon.
November 11, Veterans Day ceremony at the Winged Victory monument (the grove on the way to City Island), at 10:30 a.m.
November 14, Military Ball at Villa Barone Manor.
November 21, Bingo! For Support the Troops at Post 620, 7 p.m. Tickets are required and maybe some music upstairs.
December 13, VA Hospital Gift Shop and Holiday Dinner.
December 14, Bronx County Christmas Party, and the 26th Annual Post Toy Drive begins. Please respond to Joe’s letter when received.
Around The Community
I forgot to thank John Cerini of the Throggs Neck Merchants Association for including us and considering future partnerships with us, although we’re not exactly a store. Our elected officials stopped by too. Nothing like hearing Semper Paratus, the Coast Guard’s hymn, unexpectedly from St. Theresa’s Church bells, while walking down the street!
Until Next Time
Shoot for the moon – if you miss, you’ll wind up ‘among the stars.’