Around The County
Another music night coming to the Sam Young Post 620 real soon. Check out the Hiney Bros. Barbeque and other weekend activities.
Post Info
Remember, our new mailing address is P.O. Box 417, Throggs Neck Station, Bronx, NY 10465. I neglected to report the following are officials of Theodore Korony Post 253, Department of New York, Bronx County, for the 2008-09 season, as presented to the Department Adjutant via Certification of Officers form: Patrick Devine, commander; John Lanci, 1st vice commander; Joseph Penasso, 2nd vice commander; Dan Flory, 3rd vice commander; Tony Salimbene, adjutant; Dave Stuart, finance officer; Colleen McCarthy, chaplain; Anthony Ferrera, sergeant-at-arms; Joe Mazzariello, historian; Judy Lanci, president, Unit 253; and Tony Salimbene, acting commander, Squad 253. Patrick is our judge advocate for Post matters. John is our compliance officer. The commander assigned me as Homeland Security advisor. Both Pat and Joe are certified VAVS reps at the VA Hospital.
Important Notice
As promised, the commander and foundation members are pleased to announce that besides a reduction in Post duties, the Post will also pay the per capita (per person) tax we forward from the dues, for the Post, Ladies Auxiliary, Unit and SAL Squadron. That’s for those on the membership records as having stuck with us during our time of changes. For those of us already paid up and those of us just getting dues notices, we’ll figure out how to do a rebate of the difference for you soon. There will be a Board of Directors meeting in August to firm up this and other business matters.
Until Next Time
I hope I can be the type of person my dog thinks I am.