Around The County
Another music night scheduled for September 6 at the Samuel Young Post 620. The United Veterans Day Parade Committee of New York’s Annual Mini-Golf Outing will be held on Sunday, September 21, at Turtle Cove with a barbecue to follow at the Throggs Neck Memorial Post 1456.
Around The Post
The next meeting of Korony Post 253 will be at the Turner Club, third Sunday in September, at 11 a.m. We should be having an annual 9/11/01 candlelight ceremony at the FDNY monument on E. Tremont Avenue. Please dress appropriately and fall-in together. The post would like to salute Dormi & Sons Funeral Home of the Morris Park area for ensuring a proper burial for a deceased veteran almost forgotten.
Around The Media
All the Olympic opening pyrotechnics in China can’t cover the fact that they have serious issues with religious freedom, classism, and democracy in generally. New allegations have surfaced alleging China’s use of athletes under 16 years of age to win. As with Russia, China has their Olympians in full time training with stipend. Win or loose, our young people will play fair and square, the American way, to honestly realize their athletic dreams. I, for one, will be watching Law & Order re-runs.
Until Next Time
Don’t let your studies interfere with your education. – Pete Seeger