An exciting new pilot episode, derived in the Bronx, based on the realities of an imperfect society will have the chance to compete against 36 other selections in the Independent Pilot Competition.
Production Company, Harrington Talents, has once again proven itself through the creation of its new Bronx based series, The Road.
The pilot episode will be the one of only two entries coming from the Bronx, both through Harrington Talents, chosen to compete in the New York TV Festival in New York City this fall.
“This is so important on so many levels,” explained John Morena, one of the founders of the City Island-based film company, along with Frank Mosca and Steve Franciosa, and the editor of The Road. “To have two screenings at the same festival means you put the same quality, effort and skill into every piece you make. And though it’s nice to be awarded, I think the most important thing is that the work gets seen.”
The Road, based on the true story of fellow Bronxite Mike DeStefano, focuses on the life of a rehabilitated drug addict who uses his stand up comedy routine to inspire others and help fellow former and recovering addicts cope with the long road ahead.
“I was just doing what I do normally and they started coming with cameras, it was a little weird for a while,” jokes DeStefano.
The background and reality of this show are what distinguish it from the rest; bringing new light to areas and issues often overlooked or ignored.
“The Road is an important show with an important message, that if you want a better life, you can have one. It’s up to you,” further explained Mosca, director and co-creator of The Road.
In his material, DeStefano jokes about the irony behind addiction, physical abuse and terminal illness, taking negative components and producing positive effects upon his listeners.
“These are pretty dark people who have been through a lot, so they need hardcore jokes to get them laughing, stuff they can relate to, and then they feel better,” noted DeStefano.
It is possible to construe the comedy style used by DeStefano as harsh, but this unorthodox method manages to reach his audiences in a powerful way.
“Mike DeStefano has taken a unique approach to inspire people, different than anything I’ve even seen before,” states Mosca.
Also included in the festival from Harrington Talents will be Super Slice, which took home the award for best pilot in the Hoboken film festival and the audience award at Tropfest during a Tribecca short-film festival.
For more information on the NYTV Festival, held the week of September 12th, visit and for more about the two productions, go to Harrington Talents’ website at