FIAME’s 31st Annual Awards Ceremony

FIAME’s 31st Annual Awards Ceremony
Photo by Patricio Robayo

On Friday, April 17, the Forum of Italian American Educators held its 31st annual awards dinner ceremony at Villa Barone Manor. FIAME’s honorees included Dr. James J. Montesano, Nyack’s superintendant of schools; Dr. Gerald M. Cattaro, Fordham University’s executive director of the Center for Catholic School Leadership; Angela Ceparano, St. Simon Stock principal; Julie Falco Porras, P.S. 76 assistant principal; Melanie Blasucci Marino, C.F.N. 532 educational administrator; Silvia D’Arco DiBello, St. Raymond’s Elementary assistant principal and Italian teacher; Tina Meliota Cortese, second grade teacher at P.S. 83; Linda Rufino, J.H.S. 144 secretary; and Chris Alessandro, Morris Park Community Association treasurer.