Hello all you concerned neighbors. October 13, Columbus Day, turned out to be a more productive day than we planned. The Building With Books group (which was made up of student volunteers from five borough after school programs), turned out to be 70 instead of the original 50.
Although we were a little short on water, we did have enough snacks to go around. This group had their own littoral cleanup, in coordination with American Littoral Society and Friends of Ferry Point Park.
Thank you Ferry Point Community Advocates for the gloves; “Friends” for the water, snacks and leadership; Partnership for Parks for providing the tools and bags; and NYC Parks for the garbage pick up.
Although it was high tide we were able to complete the waterfront cleanup from September 20. All of the Hindu debris is gone at this point. Colder weather brings a break in the Hindu ceremonies because most enter the water to be purified during the ceremonies that cause all the waterfront debris.
Meet us at the big rock on Saturday, October 25, for our fall It’s My Park Day. Help us plant bulbs, paint BBQ tables, or general cleanup. Call to let us know your age and name at (718) 892-7303. Snacks, water, gloves, tools, and fun will be in plenty.
Follow the signs from the parking lot to the south hilltop where we will meet near the big rock. There should be over 100 volunteers joining us.
Check out our Letter to the Editor about the Middletown Overdevelopment Rally October 18.