In our last column, the board stated that it would contact Nicholas Scoppetta, Commissioner of the FDNY, to impress upon his office the importance of maintaining an ambulance at Orchard Beach during the summer. In a letter to Commissioner Scoppetta , the board stated that park patrons who suffer from drowning, physical injuries or heart attacks, would have to wait an inordinate amount of time for an ambulance to arrive from Pelham Bay or Pelham Parkway. The board urged the Commissioner to review this decision, and to leave the ambulance at the beach.
Recently, the board learned that an establishment known Cousin Vinny’s, plans to operate a sandwich shop and adult entertainment venue at 2726 E. Tremont Avenue at Westchester Square. The area in question is not zoned for businesses of this nature and this particular business, should not be in the Westchester Square community. The board will monitor this situation and work with relevant governmental agencies to review the challenges posed by this type of business.
Spring is here and this means that the trees are in bloom, but it also means that there are seasonal storms, some quite heavy, that can cause flooding and sewer line surcharges. The board recommends that anyone who is aware of a clogged catch basin, a blockage on a sewer line, or a tree that requires pruning, to contact the board with the location. Once received, the board can reach out to the relevant City agency to have the problem addressed.
The board receives inquiries concerning child care on a regular basis. The Day Care Council of New York is non-profit clearing house for information on day care and child care issues. The council operates a Parent Counseling Service at (212) 206-7818 and its e-mail address is The council welcomes inquiries concerning these matters.
The News York State Consumer Protection Board has alerted government agencies and the general public concerning the activities of door to door marketers for energy services. The Consumer Protection Board notes that utility companies do not conduct door to door sales activities, consumers have a right to reject these. services, consumers should check for the full name of the representative, request a photo ID, and further request the full name, address and phone number of the company, consumers should not provide marketing representatives with copies of utility bills and account numbers, unless the consumer desires the service. Additionally, the Consumer Protection Board advises consumers to read the fine print of any contract, request comparison information with other services and that consumers have three days to opt out of any contract. Additional information can be obtained by contacting the New York State Consumer Protection board at
The board routinely receives complaints about sanitation issues, and one of the most prolific complaints concern dog walkers, who do not clean up after their canine friends.
It is imperative to health of community that anyone who has an animal companion, clean up after their friend. Remember, this is the law.
The board office is ready to assist you with any problem or concern that you may be having with a city agency. Our office is opened from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Our phone number is (718) 892-1161, fax number is (718) 863-6860 and our e-mail is