If you’ve ever shopped for CBD, you’ve no doubt noticed a trend: the more CBD is in the bottle, the more expensive the product is. This can make it tempting to pick up a low-potency product thinking that it will save you money. But should you?
When it comes down to it, the only amount of CBD that’s worth your money is the amount that works for you. A product that’s too weak to help you might be cheap, but you might as well spend that money on something else. A stronger product might be more expensive up front, but if it lasts longer and gives you better results, it will be better value in the long run.
And now industry leader cbdMD is making the choice even easier with a new selection of high-potency CBD products that are much less expensive than the competition. But in order to choose the right product for you, you need to know how to interpret the numbers.
Understanding CBD Dosage and Price
When you’re considering the cost of a CBD product, the key metric is price per milligram. So if you’re comparing a bottle of CBD oil with 750 mg of CBD that costs $50 and a 6000 mg CBD oil that costs $90, the more expensive one costs just a penny and a half per milligram while the $50 bottle is charging you 6.7 cents per milligram. Big difference!
This is important because it’s the dosage – the number of milligrams that you take at one time – that really determines how effective the CBD is for you. Once you know the dosage that’s right for you, you can adjust the serving size to the strength of the product.
So in the example of the two bottles above, you’d get the same CBD dosage by taking a half-milliliter of the 6000 mg oil as you would taking 2 mL of the 750 mg oil. That’s another reason stronger products are more efficient – one bottle lasts you so much longer!
So How Much CBD Should I Take?
How much CBD you should take varies depending on your individual physiology as well as what you’re using the product for. But another reason to consider high-potency CBD is that research is building up suggesting that you want to take at least 100 mg at a time if you want to feel the benefits. For most adults, 200 mg a day is a good baseline for daily wellness.
There are many different ways to take that dose, depending on your preferences. You could just take a couple of CBD softgels once a day and be done with it. If you want something more flavorful, you can pop a pair of CBD gummies every morning and evening or as a mid-afternoon snack. You could mix a dropperful of CBD oil with your morning coffee. Or you could do some combination of these.
Another important consideration in determining CBD dosage is what other substances are in the product, especially THC. Full spectrum CBD products have a small amount of THC in them – not enough to get you high, but enough so that you might feel a stronger effect compared to a THC-free product with the same CBD potency.
CBD products can also include other naturally supportive ingredients targeting specific benefits. cbdMD’s CBD for sleep products are enhanced with melatonin, chamomile, valerian, and other soothing herbs. The new full spectrum Calm Gummies provide a hefty helping of ashwagandha to complement CBD’s mellowing properties. So whatever your need, there’s a cbdMD product for you!