Since its launch in 1981, the Bronx Times Reporter has been committed to hyper-local journalism with a formula that combines the hard-hitting with the feel-good. Forty years later, the paper and its digital offspring continue to engage, inform and support the community — residents and business owners alike.
“As the only boroughwide news source, the Bronx Times Reporter has always had an ability to capture the pulse of the community — the commerce, people and places that make the Bronx unique,” said Christian Falcone, editor-in-chief.
Both in print (kept in the house all week) and online, the readership numbers in the hundreds of thousands every month, which is why businesses and nonprofits, mom and pop shops and restaurants, the YMCA, homeless shelters, and other civic associations that are so important to the community continue to partner with the Bronx Times Reporter.
“Throughout the Bronx Times Reporter’s 40 years of existence, it has always provided crisp, positive news coverage of the Bronx,” said publisher Laura Guerriero. “Highlighting the diversity of its residents and the impact of local merchants is the message the Bronx Times Reporter continually strives to convey.”
As local industry boosters, the paper’s pages and pages of photo spreads of community members are famous. Now, the recently added daily digital edition will amplify the community engagement.
“Our recent addition of a daily digital format to supplement the print product has been impactful,” said Falcone. “The Bronx Times Reporter is now well positioned to be the leader in providing useful information to its readership on an everyday basis.”
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