Bronx Times Reporter Honors 25 Bronx Influential Women
By Robert WirsingPosted on
Photo by Silvio Pacifico|Photo by Silvio Pacifico|Photo by Silvio Pacifico|Photo by Silvio Pacifico|Photo by Silvio Pacifico|Photo by Silvio Pacifico|Photo by Silvio Pacifico|Photo by Silvio Pacifico
The Bronx Times sang the praises of 25 unsung community leaders at its eighth annual 25 Bronx Influential Women Awards Ceremony on Wednesday, June 28 at Maestro’s Caterers.
This year’s distinguished honorees were Sara Bonizio; Sulma Arzu-Brown; Lorraine C. Corsa, Esq.; Carolina DiFuccia; Josephine Fanelli; Bernadette Ferrara; Lourdes Melendez-Gamez; Roberta Gjonaj; Kerry A. Lee; Melissa Libran; Ana Melendez; Carolyn Murphy; Mary H. Murray; Karen Rauhauser Nani; Yasmin Cruz-Otero; Milagros Baez O’Toole; Dana Carotenuto Rico; Tamara Rivera; Frances Ann Rodriguez; Maria Rodriguez; Melissa Salguero; Carolyn Luella Smith; Marlene Taylor; Evelyn Torres and Dr. Valerie M. Washington.
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(Back, l-r) Presentators Jennifer Goodstein, CNG president and publisher and Lisa Sorin, Westchester Square Business Improvement District executive director, honored (front, l-r) Carolina DiFuccia, Josephine Fanelli, Lorraine C. Corsa, Sulma Arzu-Brown and Sara Bonizio.
Photo by Silvio Pacifico
Jennifer Goodstein (back) congratulated honorees (front, l-r) Melissa Libran, Kerry A. Lee, Roberta Gjonaj, Lourdes Melendez-Gamez and Bernadette Ferrara on their success.
Photo by Silvio Pacifico
(Back, l-r) Presentators Jennifer Goodstein and Geri Sciortino, Bronx Design Group owner, gave flowers and awards to (front, l-r) Yasmin Cruz-Otero, Karen Rauhauser Nani, Mary H. Murray, Carolyn Murphy and Ana Melendez.
Photo by Silvio Pacifico
Jennifer Goodstein (back) with honorees (front, l-r) Maria Rodriguez, Frances Ann Rodriguez, Elizabeth Baez O’Toole and Dana Carotenuto Rico.
Photo by Silvio Pacifico
(Back, l-r) Presentators (back) Lisa Sorin, Geri Sciortino, Ana Vincenty, Rosemary De Luca, Laura Guerriero and Elizabeth Figueroa with honorees (front, l-r) Dr. Valerie M. Washington, Evelyn Torres, Marlene Taylor, Carolyn Luella Smith and Melissa Salguero.
Photo by Silvio Pacifico
This year’s Bronx Times Reporter 25 Influential Bronx Women honorees.
Photo by Silvio Pacifico
(Back, l-r) Event organizer Laura Guerriero with presentators Geri Sciortino, Rosemary De Luca, Ana Vincenty, Lisa Sorin and Elizabeth Figueroa.