On Tuesday, July 11, the Bronx Borough President’s office, in partnership with Empire State Development (ESD) and the Bronx Economic Development Corporation (BXEDC), hosted an information session for local businesses, entrepreneurs, nonprofits and economic development officials on how to access ESD funding through the streamlined grant application known as the state Consolidated Funding Application (CFA).
Joseph Tazewell, regional director, NYC, for Empire State Development addressed attendees about CFA, which was created as part of New York’s efforts to improve the business climate and expand economic growth, and to support the Regional Economic Development Council Initiative.
“With the impact of the pandemic still being felt today, I am grateful for the partnership between the BXEDC, Empire State Development, and our office in hosting this informational forum aimed at providing small businesses, mom-and-pop shops, and non-profits with access to multiple state funding sources to help them thrive, recover financially, and remain operational in our neighborhoods,” said Bronx Borough President Vanessa Gibson.
Empire State Development President, CEO and Commissioner Hope Knight said, “Empire State Development is invested in the success of New York State’s small businesses. We are pleased to be partnering with the Bronx Borough President’s Office and the Bronx Economic Development Corporation on this information session, to explain how the streamlined Consolidated Funding Application process helps businesses more easily access grants that will help them launch and grow.”
Rob Walsh, president of the Bronx Economic Development Corporation, was thrilled at the prospect of helping to improve the overall business environment in the Bronx while expanding economic growth.
“The New York State Consolidated Funding Application was created as a way to streamline the grant application process for local business owners and entrepreneurs and I hope that information sessions like the one we hosted … will encourage people to apply for the many state programs and initiatives that exist,” he said.
Empire State Development’s funding priorities include four priorities:
-Placemaking: The notion that where investment occurs matters and that in order to attract a talented workforce our built environment must emphasize creating accessible job centers, sustainable infrastructure, and livable communities.
-Workforce: The belief that people drive the economy, and that targeted job training and education ensures that jobs in high-paying, in-demand, tradable sectors are filled in an equitable way.
-Tradable Sectors: Targeting industries that are part of a global market like manufacturing, agricultural products, and energy.
-Innovation: The thought that investing in and creating synergies between research and commercialization drive the economy forward.
For more information and to access the application, visit: https://apps.cio.ny.gov/apps/
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