The Throggs Neck Benevolent Association held its annual dinner dance at Marina del Rey on Saturday, January 25. The annual event was attended by Throggs Neck merchants and residents, as well as many former Throggs Neck residents. (above left) TNBA dinner dance attendees enjoying the festivities. (above right) Attendees at the annual TNBA dinner dance. (below) Group shot of the TNBA dinner dance attendees. (bottom left) Local merchants at the annual TNBA dinner dance. (bottom right) Throggs Neck residents and business owners. Photos courtesy of Throggs Neck Benevolent Association
Photo courtesy of Throggs Neck Benevolent Association
Photo courtesy of Throggs Neck Benevolent Association
Photo courtesy of Throggs Neck Benevolent Association
Photo courtesy of Throggs Neck Benevolent Association
Photo courtesy of Throggs Neck Benevolent Association